Hi! I’m Heidi. Thanks for stopping by my website.
I’ve always been an artist and writer, but I began drawing memoir comics in response to a PTSD therapy called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Drawing the stories of childhood abuse and neglect helps me process the trauma and heal from it.
I draw other types of comics as well, as you’ll see on the site, but it was telling the stories about the abuse I experienced from my mother that brought me back to art after a long break where I hadn’t done much creative work at all.
I learned that I need the creative work to help me on my journey to healing from trauma. I need creative work to accept and love myself exactly as I am.
If you'd like to support my healing journey and enjoy my art, please read my comics, check out my merch, or start your own drawing and writing practice with some of my free resources!